Terms & Conditions

These conditions apply to the purchase and sale contract (from now on simply "Contract") of goods and services, and are accepted with the signing of the order confirmation.

The application of these general terms and conditions apply to sales, exchanges, the provision of goods and services and any other type of offer concluded by E-Repair S.r.l. with customers with registered office, residence or stable and structured representation both in the territory of the Italian Republic and in that of the Republic of San Marino, and in foreign countries.
  • Business day: Any day other than Saturday, Sunday or holiday in Italy.
  • Start date: Start date of the contract as established in the estimate.
  • Information: Information that is disclosed by one party to the other party in execution or in connection with this agreement (whether oral, written or by any other means) for which it is not intended as confidential or is held as such).
  • Confidential Information: Information that is disclosed by one party to the other party in execution or in connection with this agreement (whether oral, written or by any other means) and which is expressly intended as confidential or is held as such).
  • Estimate/Quote: It is the document that contains the specifications of the service or product to be sold and the related economic offer
  • Contract: The contract for the purchase and sale of goods and the provision of services. The contract also means the order issued by the supplier and the customer that is accepted by both parties, or the quote issued by the supplier that is accepted by the customer.
  • Contract price: The price established in the sales or service provision contract. It is inclusive of VAT, as per current regulations.
  • Customer: The person who accepts the supplier's quote or offer for the sale of goods or services, or whose order for goods and services is accepted by the supplier.
  • Delivery: Date The date on which the goods and services must be delivered or provided as stipulated in the contract, or, in the case of an exchange, the deadline within which the customer must send the goods to be exchanged.
  • Technical Analysis: This is the product analysis activity, which is carried out at the supplier's laboratories, to establish the conditions of the product, whether it is faulty or not and whether the product is repairable or regenerable or not.
  • Goods: Any good or part of it that the supplier supplies under these rules and conditions.
  • Month: This refers to a calendar month.
  • Service: Services provided to the Client as agreed in the prior agreement.
  • Supplier: E-Repair S.r.l.
  • E-Mail supplier: commerciale@e-repair.it

Unless the context states otherwise, any reference in these rules and conditions to:

  • “writing” and related conditions include a reference to any communication made in writing.
  • A law or provision of one is a reference to that rule or provision in force at the time of the facts.
  • A "party" or "parts" refers to the customer, the supplier or both according to the wording of the period.
  • Terms used in the singular will include the plural and vice versa.• References to one sex also include the other sex.


Dispose of the used or defective product by replacing it with a working and tested remanufactured. In addition to helping the environment, thanks to the Circular Economy, E-Repair will recognize you the residual value of the product, saving on the purchase of the remanufactured product.
Research and Innovation projects
  • Progetto Horizon 2020 – Digiprime
  • Progetto "E-Repair Digitale e Sostenibile" finanziato nel quadro del POR FESR Toscana 2021 -2027
  • Progetto "ICS 4.0" finanziato dal POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020
  • Progetto “Innovazione E-Repair” finanziato nel quadro del POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020
  • Operazione “E-REPAIR_2021” /Progetto Co-finanziato/Finanziato dal POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020
  • Progetto New E Repair 2015 finanziato nel quadro del POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020